Company Overview


Trade Name Hiroshima Airport Building Co., Ltd.
Address 64-31 Zennyuji, Hongo-cho, Mihara-shi, Hiroshima 729-0416
TEL: 0848-86-8152 / FAX: 0848-86-8158
Founded April 17, 1961
Capital 3.501 billion yen
Representative Yasuhiro Nakamura
Shareholders Hiroshima International Airport Co., Ltd.
Employees 36 (as of February 2021)

Directors and Officers

President and Executive Officer Yasuhiro Nakamura
Directors and Executive Officers Oriya Sakamoto
Shin Isaka
Toshihiko Shibuya
Yasuhiro Nakayama
Adviser Kenichi Yamamoto
Permanent Auditor Mikio Koyama
Auditors Takatoshi Ono
Tadashi Hosokawa

Organization Chart

Organization Chart


April 17, 1961 Hiroshima Airport Building Co., Ltd. was founded.
September 1961 The passenger terminal was completed and opened in Nishi District, Hiroshima City.
October 29, 1993 The airport was moved to a new location and opened in Hongo Town, Toyota Province.
April 1, 2005 The company carried out an absorption-type merger with Hiroshima Air Cargo Terminal Co., Ltd.
August 31, 2010 The company purchased the building of Hiroshima Airport Hotel.
September 30, 2011 The company purchased the shares of a hotel management company (Hiroshima Airport Hotel Co., Ltd.), making it its wholly-owned subsidiary.
January 22, 2021 The company became a wholly owned subsidiary of Hiroshima International Airport Co., Ltd.


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